Friday, November 26, 2010

The most awesome guitarist/musician that I idolize!

As a beginner musician, I am really trying my best to become a professional. To achieve this ambition, I should take an example from my musician heroes. One of my favourites is Brian Elwin Haner Junior, also known by his stage name Synyster Gates. Brian is the lead
guitarist of the famous rock band called Avenged Sevenfold. He has been playing in this band from the year 2000 until now.

Guitar World magazine has ranked him as one of the fastest guitar players in the whole world. He had won many numerous awards.
Before he joined Avenged Sevenfold, he was studying  in a Jazz school. He was invited by his best friend, James Owen Sullivan. Rather
than continuing his studies, he joined the band to chase his dream. After that, he was self-taught by reading books and watching videos.

His skills gradually increase as he met many other musicians and producers. After a few years of touring in their mini van, they finally got
a contract with the Warner Brothers Records. Since then, Brian's talents were noticed around the world since he has played with many other famous bands like Burn Halo and Good Charlotte.

He was also invited by many other people to teach some of his skills to people around the world including kids. I have watched many of his videos and I am very impressed because the way he teaches is very unique, easy to understand and very meticulous. When he played his guitar, I could feel the aura that he is trying to deliver and it really blows me away. Brian have the skills that most of the
other musicians have. That skill is called a "Perfect Pitch". Perfect pitch means whenever you hear a song, you can immediately determine what chord that song is using.

I am currently practicing this skill from the first day I played my guitar. I have been playing music for 6 years now. With the help of my
heroes, I am getting better and better, day by day/ Brian's achievements have inspired me in many ways. His never ending work had
brought him to a stage that he never knew he could reach. I hope I could be exactly like him someday!


Shecter Synyster Custom.

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